10 May 2007

Transvestite Killers Run Free...

...in Chile. It just came to my attention that the justice system in Chile is practically moot. Take, for example, the case of Andrea Sanchez.

Sanchez, a transvestite, was found brutally murdered in her (his? I don't know what is politically correct anymore) apartment November 2004. The man who killed her was arrested at the scene of the crime -- a pretty easy case to bring to court. Victor Vicencio Marin (the murderer) spent 3 nights in jail before paying $1,000 and being released.

The case has been going on for two and a half years, even though Vicencio admitted guilt. Sanchez's mother has been struggling to pay for lawyers to keep Vicencio in jail, but to no avail. Last month, court reached the following decision: Vicencio has a 4-year suspended sentence unless he commits another crime.

HE DOESN'T EVEN GO TO JAIL. Does anyone else see something wrong with this? You have a confessed killer, all the evidence, and yet... no jailtime.

Apparently, this is not just a one-time case in Chile. Transvestites aren't very tolerated and have become a prime target for excessive and unnecessary violence. Eleven crimes similar to Sanchez's murder have taken place since 2002, and not one of the murderers has gone to jail.

Click here for the full story: Confessed Transvestite Killer Avoids Jail

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