03 May 2007

When the dog bites/when the bee stings/when I'm feeling sad/I simply remember my favorite things/and then I don't feel so bad!

Because I love all of you so much, I decided to grace you with my favorite websites, so that you may partake in my adoration and hopefully distract yourself from everyday, mundane, realities.

And because I'm feeling generous, I'm even going to add my own commentary. Happy browsing, fellow procrastinators!

  • PostSecret
    • ...and thus began the unraveling of my Internet obsessions. When I first discovered PostSecret, I was naive to the many joys that the Internet offered. Sure, I Googled everything, including the full names of my friends (we don't talk about that time in my life), but when my Canadian lover Melissa sent me a link to PostSecret, I fell in love. Every Sunday, this guy Frank posts new secrets that people send in on postcards. It's become an art project of sorts, with severe privacy-intrusion-esque qualities. I feel like I'm reading someone's diary, and that's always a devious feeling. A+, Frank Warren.
  • Found Magazine
    • Collections of notes, photos, random scribblings, etc. "found" by people all across America. (Perhaps there is a European edition in the making, which would be very entertaining indeed) I don't know WHY reading a 5-year old's scribbles on a post-it fascinates me, BUT IT DOES. The best found articles happen to be notes written angrily back-and-forth by 7th grade girls. One of my favorites appears to be an anti-Valentine's day poem: Roses Are Dead
  • Go Fug Yourself
    • I'm a girl. I like to see witty, sharp girls commenting on the ugly clothes worn by the rich and famous. End of story.
  • Hot Filthy Library Smut
    • I'm a bibliophile. Accordingly, pictures of books and fancy libraries excite me. Stare wide-eyed and enjoy.
I have so many other websites that I visit continually, including Craigslist.org, (the "Missed Connections" and "Men Seeking Women" are personal favorites of mine) but if I listed all of them it would take all of my blogging capabilities and to be honest, my brain is on overload from the list I just compiled.

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